What a busy summer! Elizabeth continues to be an active girl; she's always on the move. She is now 19 mnths (actual) and 15 mnths (corrected). She has lost her baby fat :-( and turned into a tall skinny toddler weighing 18 lbs (with her big brown eyes maybe she will be runway material).
Elizabeth wows her parents every day with new talents; she's now figured out how to sit up independently and pulls herself up to stand and is very proud of herself. She continues to get around on her belly as she isn't able to stay on all fours for prolonged period of time. She does love to walk around while holding on to someone's hands and can stand up (she usually says 'up!' as she is doing it) to play at her activity table or in her crib when she doesn't want to go to sleep. Elizabeth is doing great at speech and associates many words with objects. She likes to babble and says a few words like 'ball', 'bye, bye', 'dada', 'grandma', 'diaper'.
Foodwise, she is doing great as well and is willing to experiment with textures. For dinner today she had hamburger, pork with corn and pureed pears.