Elizabeth has been home for 2 years! We are very proud of what she's accomplished and the many challenges that she has overcome. From the moment that she wakes up until she finally falls asleep in the evening she never stops talking and singing her favorite songs. She is starting to talk in short sentences and even recognizes letters and the words Mama, Dada & Elizabeth. Elizabeth continues to work very hard at all of her therapies. She loves the treadmill at physio and has a great time at Medek therapy.
Elizabeth has also been very busy shopping for her spring wardrobe at the mall using her walker.
Her eating has improved a great deal. Elizabeth still needs to be watched while eating to make sure she doesn't choke, however she is experimenting with new foods and new textures. Loves the jello! (two months ago she would have thrown up if she touched it)
As result she is now 23 pounds.
Elizabeth can't wait for Easter. She is decorating the house with her Easter crafts and humming Easter songs.