Schooling. What to do, it
constantly is on my mind on what we
should do for Elizabeth. Elizabeth was
eligible for
JK this September but we did not enroll her. Elizabeth
continues to go to her Nursery school 3 mornings a week and we are
very happy with the school she is in, her
classroom has 7 children which I love. With Elizabeth still in
pre-school she continues to
receive pre-school services at our Children's Center she
receives OT, PT,
AVT, Speech (for feeding) and a resource
consultant for
pre-school. Her therapy is direct and usually every 1-2 weeks, although it is fading. Once Elizabeth is enrolled in the school board she loses these direct services and will be seen sporadically at her school (no parental involvement) for consultation with her teachers. We can continue our private PT as our
insurance covers the cost which is great but
Elizabeth needs OT and Speech which we do not have insurance coverage for.
The other dilemma is what age group should she be paired with? If Elizabeth was born at term then she would not be eligible to start school until
September 2009. My thinking is to hold her back and put her where she should have been but this requires a fight from us to do so. Elizabeth is so scattered in her skills I do not know where to put her. Elizabeth's gross motor and self help skills are still in the 12-16
mths range, her language and cognition is beyond her age but her social and
emotional skills are still behind. I know she will understand the
curriculum but will other children
understand her and can she keep up with
physically active peers? So many questions.
We do have the
opportunity to keep her in her
pre-school (for a monthly fee) as they have a
kindergarten class with a low ratio but as her Pediatrician says
enrolling her in the school board now will ensure she gets the
assistance of a aid as she has many
safety concerns.
Any ideas? I need all the help I can get.