
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Conversations with Elizabeth

Elizabeth has been asking lots of funny questions lately about babies and about what she was like when she was born. After reading a book she has on the human body and pulling the flap to see how the baby born she expressed her disgust that the baby comes from her mothers 'bum'. I explained where the baby actually comes from and she once again expressed her disgust. She then asked if she was born that way too, I explained that because she was so tiny and needing help the Doctor's helped her come out faster from a incision in my tummy. Elizabeth ended the discussion stating 'I hope the next baby is born out your vagina'.
At least this discussion was at home, many of our impromptu talks happen when out in public and she really catches me off guard.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Next Time Decaf

After a year and half wait list Elizabeth is now having her psych-educational assessment. Depending on my mood I am okay or anxious about this testing, some days I think she will fly through this testing and they will tell me that she is a very smart girl who will do great and other days my fears are they will come back and tell us she has ADD and/or Asperger's. We feel that this testing is important so her teachers can adapt to her learning needs early on. We have no doubts about her ability to learn as she truly is a walking encyclopedia but her intense knowledge also makes us nervous because she really knows too much for a 5 year old. She continues to be impulsive and distracted at times but it is improving.
Elizabeth did quite well from what I could hear (Mommy's are not allowed to be present) I could hear her singing and giggling during the testing. Me on the other hand not too good the stress of the impending results had me edgy but the biggest problem is I drank a large Starbuck's Iced Coffee just prior to her testing. I don't drink coffee (hot or cold) and I should have thought that Iced Coffee contains caffeine (duh) but I drank a large from a freebie Daddy had got. Those were the longest 3 hours I have spent in a very small waiting room with nothing to do and on an extreme caffeine high. Of course the secretary was sitting near me and I was trying to be still so she would not report me to the Psychologist. To top off our day I had promised to take Elizabeth to a nearby splash pad for a treat for her hard work and of course when we got there it was closed so she at the end of her rope had a meltdown with crying and retching but we got sorted out when I found a nearby outdoor pool for her to paddle in. It took about 7 hours for the caffeine to clear my system even after lots of water and a run.
Elizabeth begins part 2 in a couple of weeks and next time I will be prepared with a decaf tea and a juicy book to pass a couple of hours and I will ensure that her reward won't be a let down.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Grammy's Cottage

We were able to get away to the quiet haven at my parents cottage last week. We had a very relaxing week doing some of Elizabeth's favorite things; catching minnows, fishing, swimming, playing in the sand, playing mini-golf and her favorite roasting marshmallows. We even found a museum nearby which had an exhibit on Dragon's which are close to dinosaur's on Elizabeth's list of favorite things.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Designs by Elizabeth

We have had some rainy days here so when I was at work Elizabeth and Gram's got creative. Elizabeth continues to pamper her dinosaurs; they are her dolls she carries them wherever we go, she feeds them, she does shows for them and lately she has been making them outfits as well. Her latest designs were rain-gear. As you can see her Dino friends are all in matching raincoats and hats all designed by Elizabeth.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Good News

I am pretty excited and feel like a big weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Elizabeth's new school called and had me come in to sign paperwork to get services (OT/PT) for the first day of school (I do confess to making a couple of phone calls and her dedicated Phsyiotherapist did the same). They also had me sign the papers to have their audiologist prescribe an FM unit at school which the school board will pay for. I have been pretty stressed about her entering school and ensuring her needs met but after hearing all that the school has done so far I am now excited for her to start.
Elizabeth is also pretty excited about school as well; she received a photo album from school with pictures of all the things she would be doing at school and she can't believe that there is a library there. She also already knows where both the Principal and the Secretary keep their candy which I am sure she will take advantage of.

Friday, July 09, 2010


I have heard from the grapevine that Ramon is just finishing his visit in Montreal for his CME Medek therapy. Hearing that he was coming back totally pulls at my Mommy's guilt as I know how much Elizabeth benefits from his work. When we finished a long block in Fall 2009 Elizabeth came home and walked up a small flight of stairs independently and hands free, fast forward to today and we have not seen it again since. As you can see in the video Elizabeth enjoys CME therapy and works well with Ramon she never fought or resisted. We have all the boxes and lessons from Ramon from her past sessions but completing the therapy needs 2-3 adults one who has the strength and skill to hold a 5 year old in the air by her shoes. I can't help but wonder if we were to find a way to afford more CME therapy what would she be doing now?