
Thursday, February 17, 2005

Little Elizabeth was a little tired today. She is still about 6 weeks away from her original birth date (end of March), but she has come a long way. Every day she is maturing and gaining weight. Tonight she was 1215 grams and cuter than ever. Her dad gave her a bath, and Elizabeth cried at first but didn't complain too much once in the warm water.

She is still getting 15 to 16 ml of milk every 2 hours. The doctors have decided not to push her too much. Her belly is not mature and her reflux is still there. So, moving her to a different hospital is on hold for now too. Her mom has tried breast feeding several times for practice. Elizabeth seems to know what she is doing, which is a great sign.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello from Nan Howe, Michael, Kevin, Jennifer, Laurie and Anthony.
Just wanted to let you know that we are all thinking about you. Have a great night.
Sweet Dreams Lizzy.