
Tuesday, April 26, 2005

At over 7 lbs Elizabeth is getting quite chubby, each day her parents find new rolls of chub. Elizabeth has settled into a schedule and is sleeping for longer periods at night and awake lots during the day to play.
Elizabeth is meeting many of her developmental milestones such as holding her head up, smiling, reaching out and tracking with her eyes. Her mom and dad keep her busy with all the latest toys. This week she is to see the eye doctor again and next week is to have her hearing checked again. Her parents are still a bit concerned with her ears as she does not appear to respond to some noises, hopefully it is only selective hearing like her father.
She still needs the oxygen but is using less now, mom has been weaning her off so hopefully by the end of May she will no longer need it. Elizabeth has not had any apnea or bradycardia episodes for two weeks so hopefully she has grown out of those "preemie" moments. Her parents are very lucky to have such a wonderful baby with such an amazing personality and cherish every minute spent with her.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a joy it is to see your little angel doing so well. She truly is a miracle sent here to do something great in life. She is very lucky to have such wonderful parents. We hope everything checks out okay at all of the appointments and we look forward to reading the next update. Congratulations and good luck!!

Marnie, Dave & Riley

Anonymous said...

milo Eli,mnogo shte lipsvash na baba i diado dokato sa v Balgaria.Sled tri sedmizi shte sme zaedno otnovo.Dano vsichki pregledi minat uspeshno.Obichame te mnogo.
Baba Eli i diado Borko