
Wednesday, June 04, 2008


We had the opportunity of meeting and working with Ramone Cuevas at his recent Cuevas Medek Exercises certification course for therapists. Ramone is an amazing man who has founded CME, his work that he has done for children and families in helping their children to walk is amazing. Elizabeth's private PT was obtaining her certification and asked if we could come along to learn from Ramone. It was an amazing experience Ramone is gentle and Elizabeth worked well with him. Elizabeth would get upset as she had to wait her turn to work with him, she really enjoyed it and was proud when she would accomplish a task. Ramone even took the time to teach her PT exercises that would help Elizabeth. We have some of the boxes at home that he uses so I am going to try the new exercises at home as well. Elizabeth had done a year of Medek with a great PT in the past but unfortunately we could no longer attend as her PT moved back to Toronto. I don't think I will ever forgive myself for not staying with CME as Elizabeth gets so much out of it and it really helps with her balance. Once again we could not justify the long car ride for an hour of therapy. People from all over the world travel to have Ramone work with their children in his center in Chili and he comes to Canada once a year so meeting him was an honor.


Jacolyn said...

What a great experience!! I would love for Grace to do this. Maybe we should plan a trip together :)

Melissa said...

Darn I am so bummed out that Nathan got sick and we couldn't go down. Just my luck!

I am so glad it went well for Elizabeth. She is such a cutie!