
Thursday, November 05, 2009


Like every other parent I have been debating whether or not to get Elizabeth vaccinated for H1N1. After much thought and research we have think that vaccinating Elizabeth is less riskier than her getting H1N1. Elizabeth's lungs are getting better but I don't know how well they could handle H1N1. We have not gotten her vaccinated yet as the line ups are 6-8 hrs long, Elizabeth still has difficulty with line-ups and 6-8hrs waiting for a needle would require either her or myself being tranquilized. I am also waiting for the unadjuvented vaccine as well and the rumour is it should be out any day, we just might have to pull some strings to get it.
I have been talking with Elizabeth about a bad germ that is making people sick and the need for us to wash our hands to stay healthy and that a needle can keep her healthy. Elizabeth while getting dressed noticed a news story on TV regarding the H1N1 vaccination clinics and saw someone getting a needle. After watching the news clip she declared 'I am not getting that until I am 16'. I have not given her the heads up yet that she will be getting it before she is 16 but we will have that discussion very soon. Elizabeth also has decided that 16 will be a good age for getting her ears pierced and I do agree with that.


Candace said...

So funny! We are still waiting for it to get out here. We are on a high priority list at the dr's but who knows when it will show up!!

Anonymous said...

And her driving licence!

Anonymous said...

And her driving licence!

Jennifer said...

I can't believe your wait is so long! My hubby took our other 3 kids this morning for the regular flu shot and they just walked in. While there, the ped insisted that they all get the H1N1! I was shocked. So they've all been vaccinated. Liam hasn't. =0

Sherry C said...

go get the needle Ashley is just out of the hospital it was H1N1 it was horrible!!! Sickkids took great care of her and Taylor. Thank god