It has been 5 years since Elizabeth came home. I can't believe she came home this small and now she is 5 years old. Elizabeth is smart, articulate, kind, funny and loving. She works so hard at everything she does and never complains when it is time to work. Parenting Elizabeth is an honor and a blessing, it is her personality that makes parenting her so easy. Even on the days that are trying she makes you laugh and smile and appreciate every ounce of her.
We try to make sure we have a little celebration on the anniversary of the day she came home as that day really means the most to us, it was the day she was ours. We asked her what we should sing to her as Happy Birthday was not fitting, Elizabeth wanted me to sing the song from one of her favorite books 'I love you forever' by Robert Munch.
'I love you forever,
I like you for always
As long as I'm living my baby you be'
We love you Elizabeth.