Elizabeth's Resource Teacher and I met to discuss her progress and her discharge. We were talking about Elizabeth's 'days' and how she fluctuates day to day for her need of physical support. Her teacher had said they often can know what day she is having if she brings her chair around in the classroom. On these days she often by the end of the morning has difficulty sitting on the floor so she will bring her chair during circle as well. Initially her classroom teacher would tell Elizabeth to put her chair back but after her Resource Teacher pointed out why she does this Elizabeth was allowed to keep her chair. This is a big change for Elizabeth as when she first started school she never sat down and then would be crying at home because her legs hurt. Her Resource Teacher has been a tremendous advocate for Elizabeth and we are grateful that she is aware of Elizabeth and her needs and can help others to be aware as well.
Now that it is warm outside and we are spending more time outside I notice she carries her chair around to play and help me in the garden. We really try to keep Elizabeth active and give her every opportunity to walk but after talking with her teacher I now know that I also to have be careful not to push her and give her legs a break.
Hat's off to her Resource Teacher!
Elizabeth's insight into her own needs and taking care of them is wonderful, too. Barbara
What a good advocate Elizabeth has! Yeah! I love to hear how she is adapting things on her own! GO Elizabeth!
i would love to read your birth story. did you ever post it on this blog? i did not see it.
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